Because of the Stars

There is an infinite collection

of words for you and I

yet all we shall say is hello and goodbye.

The emptiness filled

with the gazer’s deep bruise

and on echoes of hollow

we ponder for clues.

There is a never-ending supply

of alms for you and I

for those of all fortune feed us our demise.

Unwanting thus wanting,

our life organ rumbles

tear to its beat

far from beginnings, so humble.

There is an open-ended invitation

between you and I

to retire exhausted, false alibis;

to quiet uncertainty of what overcomes

and delight in the company that each becomes.

There is an everlasting song 

sung for you and I

soothes childish longing—tender mother’s lullaby.

Arms envelope ether as soles tap at air,

swaying in time

for it’s all that we share.

There is an immortal sky

whose secrets remain un-pried

who establishes ritual among you and I.

With each moon a present 

to prolong our dreaming 

build faith in a morrow none but heart could believe in.

There is an undying wish  

which makes you and I;

settled in limen 

Oh, how we lie!

The pain of a never knows not the sunlight

the almosts inside us are violent in flight

When eternity ends 

for this you and this I 

the breath that divides

will weaken 

and sigh

But the people will point and tell stories of us

two stars in the distance

so close they could touch


Somewhere Here


To Name Love is to Induce Transformation (Phase Change)